America, your culture and society have problems today. Some of those problems are visible for all to see like debt, poverty and employment opportunities but other problems are hidden and rarely talked about. One of those hidden problems that very few speak about (and some have actually accepted) is your language has been bastardized and certain words have become common place in your society.
There is one phrase that is spoken in America every day and as someone who lives in the Utopia of Ireland and Europe, it makes me cringe how this word has taken stock in your culture because I believe its real meaning goes against the very essence of the values America was founded on. This phrase is used by everyone from the Socialist Bernie Saunders, to modern Republicans Mitt Romney and even Conservatives like Mike Lee use this phrase. This phrase is used countless times by the news media everyday and comes up in most people’s everyday lives. The word I feel has helped destroy America is “Middle Class”. Let me explain why.
Pure and simple this phrase is a Socialist / Communist term straight out of the Marxist play book. This phrase today is not only accepted by the vast majority but some actually consider it some sort of compliment to be a part of it. How many of your friends and family today proudly say they are members of the middle class? How much time in every election’s is spent talking about the middle class?
Example of Middle Class
Before we explore why this word is dangerous, we must first analyze the criteria of how to belong to the middle class. Let me give you the example of two very different people.
Person A – is under 30, single, lives in a metropolitan area like New York City, is an Atheist, drinks several times a week, occasionally smokes weed, believes in Climate Change and gun control. They work as a legal secretary and earn around $75,000 per year.
Person B – is mid – thirties, married with two kids, lives in a rural town, very involved in their Church and goes to services several times a week, rarely goes out, does not drink, has never done drugs, the family home school their kids and the family are all members of the NRA. This person works in agriculture and the family earn $55,000 per year.
Middle Class & Marxism
I think it would be safe to say these two people have very, very little in common, yet today in American Society both would be considered middle class. So how is this possible? The answer is because the middle class has become the modern day term replacing the Marxist one from the past. Marxism believes in a three class system – the Bourgeoisie (the company owner & rich – we hate those people), the Proletariat (who are the workers) and the lumpen-proletariat (these are everyone else in society like those who cannot work and criminals).
Using the term “Middle Class” is troubling enough, but today in America, politicians and others use it the exact same way Karl Marx spoke about in the Communist Manifesto. Karl Marx last words in his manifesto were “working men of all countries, unite” and today politicians speak about a strong and healthy middle class. This should scare every American who is awake, yet no one seems to notice it or tries to stop it.
Why Middle Class goes against American Values
So now I have told you a brief history of the word, please let me try to explain briefly why I believe it has helped destroy America. There are two main reasons. The first one is straight-forward. One of the most popular words used (and mis-used) today when seeking social justice is equality. Politicians use it, agitators like Al Sharpton use it, and your founders used it when they wrote in your Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal. If you believe in true equality, then how can you then turn around and believe in a class system, let alone one that is publicly prioritized all the time. Why do we accept when society prioritize one section of society over another?
The American Dream
The second reason is I believe the term middle class and everything it means goes against one of the things that has made America the greatest country in the world and it can help your nation prosper like never ever. This is something everyone around the world knows about America especially people like me who have a lifelong ambition to become an American citizen (legally) – everyone knows about the American Dream and that America is the land of opportunity. I have yet to hear about the Irish Dream, or the Russian Dream or the Chinese Dream but even people who have never thought of moving know about the American Dream. But what is the American Dream?
I believe the American Dream is different for everyone but the foundation of it is you can achieve anything you put your mind to. It is the powerful idea that if you work hard and / or have a great idea you can become successful in America and potentially very wealthy. There is no class limitation, no social structures, your education, your family background, your sex are irrelevant and will not stop you in America. The American Dream is so powerful that Emma Lazarus wrote a poem where she openly mocked other countries societies when she wrote, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses” because she knew that anything was possible in America. I would testify to anyone anywhere, that any person can achieve more in America when they are free, than they can anywhere else in the world. This is just one of the many reasons that make America an exceptional nation.
Today’s American Dream
However today with so much focus on making the middle class stronger and healthy, it looks like your American Dream has changed to be average, middle of the road, don’t dare to try change the world, don’t ever want to be rich, and no matter what don’t dare to be a leader. Why? Because we all hate the rich, we all hate the powerful, we all hate the MAN. However we not only hate them, but we do everything in our powers to bring these people down regardless of what they stand for.
What is the Answer?
America, the choice facing you is very clear. You can continue believing in things like the middle class and politicians talking about making it grow and continue your long fall from grace into mediocrity and continue following the rest of the world towards more and more tyranny. Or you can wake up, puff your chest out, forget all this class system crap, forget about being average and middle of the road and remember what is important. You can remember that you are Americans and you can remember that a free person has no limitations apart for the ones they put on themselves.
I know many say it is too late or that this battle is impossible but I believe in America. I know you changed the course of history at your founding and I don’t see why it is such a radical stupid thought to think you can change yourselves and the world once again. The power is still in your hands. God Bless.
* Also published on The Blaze